Our Services

Words matter. How do I know? Because you’ve undoubtedly bought a product or service based on how it was marketed to you. The right words sell. So let me wordsmith copy that attracts your ideal client to your business.

A desk lamp shines on a black Mercedes typewriter

The Copy Audit

I’ll review any copy you have written for your website, your newsletter, you name it and I’ll give you insight on what’s working and what’s not working. Together we’ll polish your stone into a diamond.

Stationery and black typewriter

The Campaign

Promoting something special? Launching a new product or service? Got some new publicity? Then it’s time to engage your audience with a campaign that takes them from discovery to doorstep and primes them to take action or make a purchase.

A light blue typewriter with a bouquet of flowers coming out of the top

The Consistent

We’ll talk through your business’s needs for a consistent newsletter plan. Does that mean several campaigns? A monthly newsletter? Let’s chat and I can advise on a bespoke solution for your business.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.